Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with at, on, in, from, or of.
e.g. A party will be held on Christmas Eve.
1. My sister was born __________ April 22, 1978.
2. Singapore is a country __________ Asia.
3. There are many wild animals ____________ the jungle
4. We will meet our uncle ___________ the station.
5. John was absent ____________ school yesterday.
6. All __________ the students have handed in their
7. The patient is suffering __________ lung cancer.
8. I often get up late __________ Sunday morning.
9. Mary spent her holiday ____________ the seaside last
10. Most universities provide courses __________
information technology.
11. His parents do not allow him to go out __________
12. Mr. Chan will arrive __________ Saturday afternoon.
13. Tim is a good friend __________ mine.
14. Some wine is made ___________ wine.
15. My father will return home ___________ Toronto this
16. A continent is a very big area ____________ land.
17. The accident happened _________ 1969.
18. Alan usually goes to bed ___________ ten.
19. There are many benches ___________ the park.
20. Her office is __________ the second floor.
Exercise 1
1. on
2. in
3. in
4. at
5. from
6. of
7. from
8. on
9. at
10. on
11. at
12. on
13. of
14. from
15. from
16. of
17. in
18. at
19. in
20. on
Exercise 2
The following sentences are taken from Living Geography
Book 1A published by
Addison Wesley Longman China Limited.
Fill in the blanks with from, of, on or in.
e.g. The government has developed many new industrial areas
in the new towns.
1. Maps tell us where places are and how far they are
__________ each other.
2. Things drawn __________ maps are smaller than the real
things which they
3. The scale __________ a map tells the relationship
between distances __________
the map and distances
__________ real life. It is also ratio __________ map
distance to actual distance.
4. The main urban areas are __________ the northern and south-western parts
__________ Hong Kong Island, Kowloon Peninsula and
__________ the new
towns __________ New Territories such as Sha Tin and Tai
5. The Central Business District (CBD) is the commercial
centre __________ a city.
There we can find large shopping areas. It is usually
located __________ the city
6. A lot of tourists and business people stay __________
the hotels of the CBD, so
the shops there usually can attract a large number of
customers. It is also easier
for customers __________ other places to reach them as
the transport is
convenient __________ the CBD.
7. As there are so many business people and customers
moving around __________
the CBD, traffic is always congested. Congestion is
especially serious
__________ the rush hours.
Exercise 2
1. from
2. on
3. of, on, in, of
4. on, of, in, of
5. of, in
6. in, of, from
7. in, in
Exercise 3
The following sentences are taken from Living Geography
Book 1B published by
Addison Wesley Longman China Limited.
Fill in the blanks with from, of, at or in.
e.g. The government has developed many new industrial
areas in the new towns.
8. The buildings __________ the old city core __________
Hong Kong are very old.
Many __________ them are over 50 years old.
9. Guangzhou is the old city area ___________ Guangzhou.
10. The government has begun to reduce the pollutants
___________ cars.
11. The government has also set up monitoring stations
___________ Central,
Causeway Bay and Mong Kok to check the air quality ___________
ground level
12. New industrial area are found __________ the new
towns __________ the New
13. By setting up their factories __________ the
mainland, Hong Kong
manufacturers can take advantage __________ abundant resources there, for
example, labour and land. The costs __________ production
are much lower
__________ the mainland. So the products can then compete with those
__________ other developing countries __________ Asia.
14. Many people __________ rural areas cannot find a
proper place to live
__________ the cities.
Exercise 3
8. in, of, of
9. in
10. from
11. in, at
12. in, of
13. in, of, of, in, of, in
14. from, in
Exercise 4
The following sentences are taken from Journey Through History – A Modern
Course Book 1 published by Aristo Educational Press
Fill in the blanks with from, of, at, on or in.
e.g. The government has developed many new industrial
areas in the new towns.
15. The Nile flooded __________ July. The floods left
thick mud __________ both
sides __________ the river. Egyptians farmed __________
this fertile black mud
16. The Nile Valley was protected by deserts and the sea. People living there were
free ___________ outside attacks. So civilization began
_________ the Nile
Valley __________ about 4000BC.
17. When Alexander conquered Egypt, he built the city
__________ Alexandria
__________ the Nile Delta.
18. The Church played an important role __________
Medieval Europe. It spread
education and the Christian ideas __________ love,
justice and charity.
19. By the 13
century, some
peasants had become rich. They bought back their
freedom __________ the lord.
Exercise 4
15. in, on, of, on
16. from, in, from
17. of, at
18. on, of
19. from
Exercise 5
The following sentences are taken from Understanding
Integrated Science for the
Century Book 1A
published by Aristo Educational Press Limited.
Fill in the blanks with from, of, at, on or in.
e.g. The government has developed many new industrial
areas in the new towns.
1. Science aims ______________ finding out, discovering
and inventing. With the
rapid progress ________________ science, the living
standard of human beings is
greatly improved.
2. People who are experts ______________ one or more
branches ____________
science are called scientists.
3. When you observe something you look __________,
listen_____________, feel
and measure it carefully.
4. The temperature _____________ the lava __________ a
volcano is about 600 C.
5. ___________ the Centigrade or Celsius scale the
boiling point __________ water
is 100 degrees.
6. Press three fingers ___________ the wrist __________
your other hand and find
the pulse.
7. Count the number ___________ tongue rollers and
non-tongue rollers
______________ your class.
8. Collect three leaves ____________ the same plant
__________ your school.
9. Measure the length, width and the number ___________
large veins
____________ each leaf.
10. Use a pair __________ forceps to peel a piece
__________ skin ___________ the
inside ____________the leaf.
11. One ____________ the processes ___________growth is
increase_____________ size.
12. Normally only one foetus develops____________ the
uterus____________ a
female ______________ a time.
Exercise 5
1. at, of , of
2. in ,of
3. at, to
4. of, from
5. in, of
6. on, of
7. of, in
8. from
9. of, of
10. of, of, from
11. of, of, in
12. in of ,at
Exercise 6
The following sentences are taken from Understanding
Integrated Science for the
Century Book 1B
published by Aristo Educational Press Limited.
Fill in the blanks with from, of, at, on or in.
e.g. The government has developed many new industrial
areas in the new towns.
1. Electricity is generated __________ power stations
from coal, oil or natural gas.
2. Pollution problems arising __________ the generation
__________ electricity.
3. Solar panels can be installed __________ the roof
__________ some houses.
4. Fossils are the remains __________ ancient plants or
animals that are found
__________ rocks.
Fossil fuels, such as coal, crude oil and natural gas, are
produced __________ the remains of dead plants and
animals buried millions
__________ years ago.
5. Nowadays, fossil fuels are our major source __________
energy. Almost 90%
__________ the world’s energy comes __________ the
burning __________
fossil fuels.
6. __________ Hong Kong, a large proportion __________
energy is used
__________ transport.
7. A substance which can dissolve __________ water is described as a soluble
__________ water.
8. Can the oil stain __________ a piece __________ cloth
be removed by water?
9. Everything __________ Earth is made __________ matter.
10. The temperature __________ which a substance freezes
is called its freezing
Exercise 6
1. in, from
2. from, of
3. on, of
4. of, in, from, of, of
5. of, of, from, of
6. In, of, in
7. in, in
8. on, of
9. on, of
10. at
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ReplyDeleteeka aththa, great work LEB
Deletethank you lanka english book
ReplyDeletethis is a very good exercises
ReplyDeletethank you lankan english book
modals walath exercises danna
ReplyDeletethank you for your comment
Deletewe've done your request
very good exercise and keep it up